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Showing posts from May, 2013

The LKG Books have arrived!

The books for all classes are generally given out during the last week of April. The kids are all waiting to take a peek into their brand new books for the coming year. The tamil books are the stateboard books and you can download them from the below link The CBSE prescribed NCERT books can be found in the below link SBOA uses a variety of publishers from Macmillan to Cordova for different subjects and all the books will be provided by the school. For us parents it's a mad rush to finish brown papering the notebooks and binding the textbooks! "Mummy, not the orange paper take the light brown ones, I like them better" with suggestions that sound more like ultimatums, I'm dreaming of the day that they will cover their own books! But according to my wiser father, I might as well give up as he reminds me that he covered my books all through my school years! ...


With my kids moving on to classes where Olympiads are becoming increasingly more complicated and competitive. There are four exams that can be taken NCO - National Computer Olympiad NSO - National Science Olympiad IMO - International Math Olympiad IEO - International English Olympiad For the dates on which these exams are conducted and the classes eligible please refer to their website below / The site provides sample questions, training apps, previous years question papers, links to stores selling practise books, etc. We took the exams for the last two years and was an eye opener. I would call it useful for the below reasons... It trains the kids to get accustomed to the competitive exam papers patterns that most college entrances have. It gives them limited time to finish the paper. Teaches them to get comfortable with answer shading on a computerized answer sheet. The best is the accurate feedback given. The feedback highlights...