Widgets Both my Dear Kids are down with a viral fever. Just the third day into a new academic year and panic strikes! Apart from catching up on all that they missed at school, the looming concern for the kids is what the teacher will say..... Mostly teachers are quite understanding if the kids and their parents follow the leave policies. If sick and absent from school for 1 or 2 days a letter from the parent should suffice. For 3 days and more, a medical certificate from a qualified doctor is required. Taking leave for purposes other than health concerns, will have to be intimated before hand. What SBOA does quarterly, is that they communicate to the parent if the attendance percentage is lower than expected and you are supposed to make it up in the coming term. This feedback keeps you on track. Falling sick happens, taking leave for miscellaneous stuff also happens, however, as parents if we stick to the leave policies, we could definitely help our kids not f...
Pre / Post Admission experiences and School Life from a Parent's Perspective