To hear a lot of spoken English
This would be easy if both the parents are fluent in English, but if you are not, then select TV shows, that are preferably cartoons, with clear diction and neutral accent for eg. Miffy, Noddy,etc. And sit with them and explain what is being spoken.
To be read to
The lesser the words the better, Bright board books are excellent. Start with very simple stories and telling them the basic rules of handling the book, then read to them with a clear expressive voice and follow the words with your fingers. Choose an quite time of the day when the child is also alert not necessarily the bed time.
To familiarize them to alphabets
Hang up an alphabet chart or get them ABCD refrigerator magnets to use. Just keeping the alphabets within their field of vision is enough to get them curious to learn the letters.
To name known objects in English
When the child knows the object in the native tongue then tell him that the English word for the object is so and so..
To sing simple English songs
Nursery rhymes are the best, they get the child to learn the tone of the language without having to analyse it.
To start having conversations in English
Start asking questions and responding in English. This is a sure way of picking up the language fast.
For more information check out the below link
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